Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Okay. Well, it's about time I started writing about our adventures, eh? I think one of the biggest things that comes up is the importance of schedules. Sarah, for example, goes to bed around 9-10 and gets up around 7, so we're lucky to have a baby who sleeps through the night.

The trick? No naps late in the day, activities in the evening (like jaunts around the neighborhood in her new stroller, tummy time, bath time), and a ritual before sleep . . . a full feeding in her room, with soft music and lights down low.

Sarah also likes to take a short morning nap of about 30 mins, a long afternoon nap of 2-3 hours, and another 30 minute nap in the late afternoon, each one usually accompanied by a bottle beforehand. I know she's sleepy when she gets cranky and cries even after I've checked her diaper and burped her.

Overall, she's a very good baby, and I'm lucky to be able to spend time with her.

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