Thursday, September 27, 2007

Doctor's Visit

Well, I've been neglecting Sarah's blog here...mainly, I guess, because our routine has been steady and relatively unchanged: wake up, make a bottle, feed, sleep, play, feed, sleep, play, feed, sleep, play, feed, sleep, play. :)

In the play times, we sing, dance, sit in the bouncy chair, lay on the mobile butterfly, go for stroller walks, drive around a bit, or practice "tummy time". This varies depending on our disposition at the time.

Today, though, our schedule changed somewhat since Sarah visited the doctor for her checkup and next round of vaccinations. These cause some yucky, stingy pain, and she's been a little cranky all day. Sarah is, however, a healthy, average girl at almost 15 pounds and 25 inches in length.

She's also right on the developmental track, responding well to sounds, cooing, rolling over, and grabbing for about anything in reach to feel and taste it. I'm glad Sarah is a healthy and happy girl.

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