Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Lovin' Spoonful

Sarah took her first bites of non-formula/breast milk the other day and seemed to be ready for more. Boy, is she attentive to things around her now, grabbing at stuff within reach, smiling, showing more expressions.

Her "grammy" visited this past weekend and gave me a nice compliment. Sarah is happy, she said, and doesn't have a sense of fear or sadness or of problems in the world. Everything is focused on her and is calm and secure.

That felt good to me because it's my goal for Sarah to feel happy and secure. I want her to have a solid foundation so that when the crazy world out there comes, she'll be strong enough to face it just fine. I'm so thankful I am able to spend this time with her. So many babies, I know, are thrown into a chaotic environment right off the bat, never having the chance to just grow and experience all there is to experience without being distracted by parents with major issues or surroundings of too much disruption.

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